Renting Tubes on
the Frio River
Tubing is a great way to see and enjoy the Texas Hill Country. The crystal clear waters of the Frio River make this area an ideal place to tube. There is nothing like looking at 2,000 year old cypress trees while taking a relaxing float. Since there aren’t as many rapids, the Frio is also good for families. We do recommend close supervision for everyone.
Frequently Asked Questions about Tubing Trips
Where do I rent tubes?
We have tubes, kayaks and canoes for rent at our Frio River Cabins Office. Please call ahead at least 30 minutes to reserve your tubes and shuttle. We also have tubes with bottoms, so your bottom doesn’t get bruised! They also fit ice chests.
Where do I float to?
There are many locations to float. If you are staying at Frio River Cabins, you are in the best place. A great place to start is at the South FM 1120 bridge. This is aslo the recommend floating trip when the river condition is low.
How rough are the rapids?
In general, the Frio is a slow moving river. There are some shoots and small rapids. Water levels fluctuate and floods can change the look of the river.
How long are the tube trips?
Trip times vary depending on water levels, trip length and participant behaviors. Floats can be as short as 30 minutes or up to any amount of time.
How do I know where to get out?
Make sure you take a good look at your destination. You should be aware of how long it takes and wear a watch to make sure you don’t miss your end point. If you do, you may have to travel hours before the next area to get out.
Can we stop on the trip?
You can stop anytime, but must stay IN the river. The river bank is private property and is trespassing. Luckily we also own the best swimming hole on the Frio (the River Terrace Property). Our guests are welcome to stop and swim.
Do we need to wear shoes?
Yes. The white rock river bottom is beautiful, but your feet won’t appreciate it if you don’t wear shoes. Filp flops may fall off and float away and don’t have good traction. Proper attire includes tennis shoes, sport sandals or aqua socks. You will want to leave your rings, jewelry and valuables at home and have a good grip on your sunglasses. Don’t forget the sunscreen!
What containers/drinks are allowed on the Frio River?
The Frio has many families trying to enjoy their vacation. Please keep in mind your content and actions while tubing. Alcohol is allowed on the river, but not in glass containers. You must, of course, be of legal age to consume and cannot be intoxicated. There is no restriction on the size of ice chest. We recommend bringing water and snacks.
Tubing for newbie’s
How to tube might seem obvious but here are some instructions. You can treat tubing as a passive activity, safety is highly increased if you treat it as an active sport. Find a position in the tube which will allow your arms to dangle in the water, then continuously use your hands as gentle paddles to keep yourself in the main flow. If you need to get somewhere quick (like to the other side of the river or away from a scraggy bank) dig your arms in deep and stroke backwards towards your destination. When heading into a rapid, try to go thru feet first, but whatever way you end up going, keep your eyes downstream to see what’s coming and counterbalance…remember it’s a ride!
Going into a rapid, direct yourself with your paddle-hands until it becomes absolutely necessary to hang on to your tube, become one with the tube. And if you find yourself about to turn over, try to hang on to your tube as best as you can, fall flat like a starfish and do not panic, you will pop up in less than 5 seconds (it helps to count), if you find you do not have your tube in your hand then immediately grab it. It may not be possible to get back on right away, but hang on in case you encounter another rapid, it can still pull you safely through. Good luck and have a great time!